Directions to Syringa Lodge
From the North
From the North, you will enter Salmon on Highway 93. At the first stop sign/intersection bear to your right. At the stop sign look to your right and you will see the Salmon River Motel. Turn right and then turn left onto Fulton Street which is just on the other side of the motel. Proceed up Fulton Street about three-quarters of a mile to 9th Avenue. Turn left on 9th Avenue which is a good hard packed gravel road. Go up 9th to the crest of the hill where you will see several mailboxes on your left. Just on the other side of the mailboxes to your left is the street that will take you down to the Lodge.
From the South
From the South, you will enter Salmon on Highway 93 or Highway 28. The highways merge at the first stop light and become Main Street. Follow Main Street north. On the north end of town, you will cross the Salmon River Bridge. Just after you cross the bridge you will see the Salmon River motel on your left. Drive just past the motel and turn left on Fulton Street which is just on the other side of the motel. Proceed up Fulton Street about three-quarters of a mile to 9th Avenue. Turn left on 9th Avenue which is a good hard packed gravel road. Go up 9th to the crest of the hill where you will see several mailboxes on your left. Just on the other side of the mailboxes to your left is the street that will take you down to the Lodge.
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